Kirtan - Varinder Sangeet Music 2023


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Music plays a great role in everyone’s life. Music is such a thing, listening to it gives a pleasant feeling of peace. It keeps us busy in our free time and makes our life peaceful. The well-organized sound that arises from the creation of Rasa is called music. Music plays an intrinsic and essential role in everyone’s lives.

Since my childhood, I am fond of listening to music and with help from my father, I participate in singing with my friends at various music competitions, birthday celebrations, etc. Music is a very important part of my life as I started learning to play harmonium when I was in 6th grade. In a short timeframe of 3 months, I was able to clear all basics, while I did struggle a bit but I learned because I loved it.

At one time, I saw people at the gurudwara near my home singing and when I asked them to allow me to sing they initially didn’t agree and wanted to test me first. At the test, I did in fact didn’t meet their standards as it was critical to be able to sing the holy Guru Vaanis properly. That was the moment I decided that I needed to practice every day and at the same time, I continued to attend gurudwara. I used to listen to them the way they sing and learned, and practice at home. I went to them and requested to test me again after a few days, they tested my singing and this time were impressed with me and permitted me to sing along with them.

The day came when I was to sing at my first Kirtan, I was in seventh grade at that time. After the kirtan, everyone showed their appreciation and showered me with blessings. Not only I felt happy but also blessed that I could sing and use my singing to bring people close to spirituality. I easily get a chance to sing at gurudwaras these days, I truly love to do it. I also perform on bigger platforms these days, while I struggled a lot, at the same time I learned and kept on moving forward.

Today after many years I look back and see how far I have come along with trial, error, and success, full of small successes. Today, while playing the harmonium, the troubles in my mind go away and only good, positive thoughts arise in my mind. An environment of positivity gets created around me.

I have an elder sister. She also gave a lot of support and she also does kirtan very well. Even now both of us sometimes sit together and do kirtan. She has been my guru and taught me that music is like meditation, if practiced with full dedication and devotion, it improves life in general, mental health, and concentration. Making music a part of your life could give a lot of peace and relaxation to you as well, open up to music and I hope you feel the change. Good Luck to my readers!