He tried to talk to his neighbors and tried to convince them with great love but he did not agree, after some time he changed his mind and gave Cherry to this neighbor of my grandmother.
Category: Animals

A selfless act saves a life of a drowning cow
Many animal lovers are working hard and trying to save and shelter these abandoned animals. It is good to help but it is even better to help those who are helpless. All of them helped that cow even though they had to leave their work, it is a great appreciation for their ability.

They needed help to survive, and we helped, Power of coming together
There were some other problems that we faced, but the families in our community didn’t give up, and even after facing all the difficulties we successfully provided food and shelter to the dogs.

Good deeds always payback
Manju has always been very afraid of dogs because once a dog in her childhood bit her, she never kept any animal in her house. Read more to know how her good deed took away fear for dogs.

This is how HUMANS and ANIMALS can co-exist!
Even animals feel, just that they are not very vocal about them and cannot fight for themselves. I was very happy to see the care that this cow got from my family. To serve someone selflessly, whether it is human or animal, is a matter of great virtue and this is humanity. The people around there also take care of her and give her water and fodder.

The Injured Dog
This incident took place a month ago when I and one of my friends, Aryan were returning back from our extra classes that were

*Raksha Bandhan gift – a little Naina*
I wanted to keep the kitten with me but my mother doesn’t like cats at all. As this moment was a little different, I saw my mother petting the cat and I could see a smile on her face as if she liked this cat. My Dad uttered the golden words…

“It’s a great honour” To save someone’s life.
People can contact them and tell them if any voiceless is in danger. Seeing their bravery, people feel proud of them and many people are always ready to help them.

Helping a hurting dog recover
He went on closer to the dogs, as they had not started from the picnic spot yet. The other friends were a little worried and scared about their friend, that he might bring trouble for himself by going into this rowdy scene between dogs. Looking at the target dog a little closer, it was clear that it was badly hurt and these other dogs might just kill it if no one stopped their fight. That dog’s neck was also bitten and he was not able to stand properly.

Helped strangers goat deliver babies!
Her excitement got even more when she heard of what happened with her uncle. On the night of the wedding, when everyone was having fun, her uncle was on his way to the wedding venue. Along the way to the venue, there was a cow shed outside of one house where they have raised some goats and cows.