After several years of hard work and dedicated efforts a sub-inspector named “Y Shyam Sundar” from a small town in India, could see his own daughter “Yendluru Jessy Prasanthi” as the “Deputy Superintendent of Police” of not only just the town but the entire Guntur district.
Category: General
Kindness can make a difference
My friend, Jay Krishnan donated his birthday gifts from his birthday party, to charity! His compassion to help society, brought smiles to everyone.
It takes a young heart to teach the world!
She wanted to thank them in particular for all the ‘Birthday Parades’ the officers did during the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing smiles on the children of the town, so why not help them smile as well for once. A brilliant and shining example of, what goes around, comes around, and if it comes around in this form, it shows how beautiful can young hearts be.
A savior for a dog
Dogs don’t deserve humans!!! You’ll be wondering why did I state this statement, but its true people treat them as they don’t get hurt or feel no pain, but there is someone who cared!
Scout donates hand made toddler beds
What a lovely way to give to the community! Scout Ben Blute donates crib sheets and 10 toddler beds he made for his Eagle Scout project.
Kindness knows no bounds!
A very kind person, reunites the bag with the rightful owner! Kindness in people doesn’t know bounds, it can come in any shape and form, this time in this way!
Lucky to have caring people in the community
The act of kindness is not time bound, they stay fresh for eternity. While exploring a Facebook group ‘Westford Friends’, I came across this act of kindness and with Erin’s permission having the privilege to share with you all.
It feels good to see things happening like this around you.
It feels good to see things happening like this around you.
Some thoughtful souls think of the inmates.
Care packages for Concord Prison inmates were sent by some thoughtful souls. COVID-19 Virus Pandemic has been hard on all of us. It has been even more challenging for the incarcerated members of our society. They are unable to get out of their cells for their daily outdoor activities, or for their meals and all visitations have been suspended
Community comes together against haters
This is a community of heroes in the little peaceful town of Westford, MA where even the Officers, Sergeant come out and extend their hands to help keep their residents safe.